About Me
A man who is very happy with technology. Graduated Bachelor of Informatics Engineering in 2018 with a thesis on file encryption security. Working at Anteraja as a Technology Specialist with my favorite language is Golang. Develop an Optimization Route Engine to determine the best route for couriers with Golang
Nice to meet you and i hope we can be a good connection.
What I'm Doing
ANTERAJA | July 2022 to Present
Technology Specialist
- Develop Microservices for payment with Go language
- Develop an Optimization Route Engine to determine the best route for couriers with Go language
INVESTREE | Nov 2021 - Jun 2022
Full Stack Engineer
- Develop backend with Spring Boot
- Make integration to third party from internal API with Spring Boot
ASANI | Sep 2018 - Nov 2021
Senior Software Engineer
- Develop backend with Golang from scratch
- Make integration to third party from internal API
- Develop server management from Docker swarm on ubuntu server
My Portfolio
Optimize Route Engine & Vehicle Routing Problem
- Develop Microservices for payment with Go language
- Develop an Optimization Route Engine to determine the best route for couriers with Go language
Education History
Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Bachelor of Informatics Engineering
- Year of Entry: 2014
- Year of Graduation: 2018
- Certificate Number: 1.1.01.II.4395
- PDDIKTI Kemdikbud: LINK
My Articles
Vehicle Routing Problem: Menemukan Solusi Efisien untuk Menekan Biaya dan Waktu dalam Logistik
Dalam era globalisasi ini, logistik menjadi unsur kunci dalam menjaga kelancaran bisnis dan mendukung ekonomi. Setiap hari, ribuan produk ... Read More
Using OCR technology to support the KYC process with Tesseract & Golang
What is OCR? Optical character recognition or optical character reader (OCR) is the process of converting images into ASCII characters that ... Read More
Website hanya bisa diakses melalui VPN dengan Docker dan traefik.io
VPN? Apa itu? Apa VPN selalu berhubungan dengan hal yang negatif? Eits tenang aja, disini kita akan membahas salah satu hal positif dari VPN yaitu ... Read More
Demam cryptocurrency dan blockchain. Apakah bisa diimplementasikan?
Mulai tahun 2020 hingga saat ini. blockchain dan cryptocurrency sedang naik daun. Seperti yang diberitakan oleh salah satu portal berita dengan ... Read More